Today we say goodbye to Mother General and Sr. Livia who are returning back to Poland. They were in the province for a month as Mother met each individual sister for visitation. During visitation, Mother checks the wellbeing of every Sister as well as the wellbeing of the province in terms of its apostolate and how the charism is being lived out. It is also a beautiful time to reconnect with our roots, always keeping in mind that we are one family with all of our Sisters world-wide.
Though the parting is bittersweet, we still rejoice that Mother is off to carry out the work entrusted to her by God, that of preserving the charism given to our Mother Foundress, Kolumba Białecka--for the glory of God and the salvation of souls! Let us surround her, as well as all major superiors of every Congregation in the Church, with prayers as they guide the flocks entrusted to their care.